Archive for the ‘comics’ Category


DCUC: Flash and Kid Flash

February 4, 2011

Another pair of toys coming at you fucking quick-like:

The FlashThe Flash
Toys’R’Us Exclusive

Because Barry here was the only figure in Wave 7 not to come with a piece of Atom Smasher (it instead includes a stand) I decided to grab this exclusive figure which is a metallic repaint of the Wave 7 toy. The reason for this is mostly because what I had seen of the regular Flash made the yellow on his boots and such look far too gaudy. But that doesn’t mean this metallic scheme isn’t flawed itself, with the gold not being a very good contrast with the red. The stripes on the belt and forearms particularly don’t look too hot, but I guess that’s just the trade-off for the metallic scheme. I have no doubt that this figure will look great when stood up against the metallic Hal Jordan from the new Hal/Sinestro TRU two-pack which I plan on getting at some point.

Beyond the paint scheme, there is absolutely no reason to fault this figure. It’s the standard male buck, which I’ve said before is fantastic, and the little extra features like the ear-thingies are not in danger of coming off and breaking without purposefully being rough.

I am unsure if I will get the regular Wave 7 version at some point. I probably will if I can find one loose and for cheap. But until then, this figure gets a central place in my collection for being quite a good Flash.

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DCUC: Aquaman and Captain Cold

February 1, 2011

WELL. Whatever. Toys:

Ocean Warrior AquamanOcean Warrior Aquaman
Wave 7

Everything about this toy is great. I’m serious. The complex paintjob is superbly executed with clean curved lines, his skintone doesn’t suggest he has been dipping his head in orange juice and his poseability is fantastic and he even stands well with his giant trident.

I still would have preferred not to get him.

The fact is that the only Aquaman I really want is the Arthur Curry from Wave 2 with his orange scaly costume. For the most part this toy purchase for me was just a completist thing. As soon as I do manage to get one of the insanely difficult to find Wave 2 Aquamen, this Ocean Warrior paint scheme will be going in the spare bits and accessories box.

As I said though, the figure is fantastic in it’s own right. But it was unnecessary and I think Wave 7 would have been better if this figure had been something else. I mean, there’s a few Flash figures already, so why couldn’t this have been another of the much need Rogues?

Anyway, he came with the torso for Atom Smasher

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DCUC: Booster Gold and Blue Beetle

November 22, 2010

Been a while. Sorry. But whatever. New toys means new posts, and here’s some guys I picked up ages ago at Armageddon Expo.

Booster Gold

Booster Gold (Classic Version)
Wave 7

A wonderfully cheap purchase, I had a choice between the classic version with the big collar or the current version who lacks the collar and has a slightly altered costume pattern. I chose the classic version mostly because it’s something different. The articulation on this figure is good, and I had no issues with any of his joints. The Skeets attachment is light, and does not impair the figure’s ability to stand in any way. Unfortunately, the Skeets plugs into a notch on Booster’s back, and the grip is just loose enough for Skeets to fall out quite often. It’s no trouble once posed, but a knock might make it drop.

Paint application is near faultless, and the use of clear yellow plastic for the goggles rather than the solid plastic on figures that were made with cost cuts in mind (Black Lightning…) is really great.

Booster’s a solid figure, and though he may not differ from the basic buck too substantially, he’s striking enough to not blend into the background. He comes packaged with the left leg of Collect and Connect Atom Smasher.

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Smiley Cable and Deadpool

October 1, 2010

Deadpool Smiley

Cable Smiley

I did Deadpool first and then I figured I’d do Cable as well just because I could.



My Comics Pull List

September 18, 2010

Alrighty, so to put this in perspective, these are all of the comics I am currently buying, in the order of how many books I buy from each publisher:

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September 12, 2010

Perhaps one of the toys I was most looking forward to getting, San Diego Comic Con 2008’s Lobo figure was the first big exclusive in the DC Classics line.

Lobo in packaging 
Lobo’s packaging is specially made for the figure, and despite looking much like standard DCUC packaging from the front, is actually much larger, because Lobo is based on the body used for Collect and Connect Despero, making him much taller than a standard figure.

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Mongul and Clayface

September 11, 2010

The two-pack characters I promised:

I believe this figure was a reissue of a Superheroes toy, and was released alongside a Cyborg Superman toy in the DC Classics line. Honestly, I wouldn’t have picked the character up if he wasn’t cheap, but I’m glad I did. The figure completely suits the character in terms of scale, being about a head/a head and a half taller than the other figures. His articulation is near perfect, with only his left shoulder being a problem (I don’t think it was put in quite right, as rotating it can get it caught on the socket and cause a bit of damage). The paint job is great, with only very minor and barely noticeable problems, and I’ve got to say, his shiny pink boots are adorable. I will be getting the repaint of this figure in the upcoming Green Lantern Classics line (otherwise known as Mongul 2) and I’m sure I’ll be pleased with that too.

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Harley Quinn and Batman Beyond

September 7, 2010

I know I said some two-packs would be next, but one of my things hasn’t arrived yet, whereas others have, so I’ll get into the other stuff first:

Harley Quinn
From Wave 2, Harley Quinn was actually a figure I got quite a while ago, around the same time as Robin. She was also one of the figures I was worried about getting because of rarity and price, but I actually got a good deal on her. The figure was the first female in the DC Classics line (there had been earlier figures in the DC Superheroes line), and suffers from all the drawbacks of he female buck. She has very spindly limbs, and is quite top-heavy (not in that way :P) and her legs can’t really support the weight, making her hard to stand. This is particularly problematic when carrying her mallet, but as you can see from the photo, she is capable of standing (even on carpet), it’s just difficult to achieve. Her paintjob is great, but her face has very strong blue tones, which I believe may have been apparent on all of the figures and not just mine. Her accessories were a pop-gun, a mallet and the torso to C&C Gorilla Grodd.

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Deathstroke and Solomon Grundy

September 1, 2010

Rounding out my purchases for DCU Classics Wave 3:

Deathstroke the Terminator 
I went out of my way to pick up the standard version of Deathstroke (the variant is unmasked) as I like this version better. I’m very pleased with Deathstroke, in fact he may be my favourite DCU Classics toy to date, almost purely because of his accessories (If not, then that honor goes to Plastic Man). Pictured above he is carrying his machine gun, which also comes with a strap to go over his shoulders (I’ve found the strap is hard to get working right though). He also has a scabbard and holster for carrying other weapons, which are pictured after the jump.

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Sinestro and Nightwing

August 30, 2010

A feeling of deja vu with this one, with a ringslinger and a bat-family member from Wave 3:

Sinestro Sinestro Corps Variant 
By far the most disappointing figure I’ve bought to date. Firstly, the most commonly described problem is his height. For some reason he was made smaller than intended, so he’s not quite right, and he looks far less imposing looking up at Hal than down his nose. But I can get over that. The main problem is that my figure has a really sloppy paint job. You can clearly see the awful job on his shoulders, with the yellow paint not applied well on the joint at all. In addition to that he has a number of yellow blemishes, including one on his lower back and one on either side of his neck. I do like the figure, but the paint just ruins it for me. I obviously bought the Sinestro Corps variant of this figure, and although I am considering also getting the regular blue costume at some point as well, I’m not certain my experience with this toy is enough to warrant another purchase. He came with his yellow lantern and the right leg of Solomon Grundy.

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