Archive for April, 2010


Feelings is what has is on inside…yeah

April 27, 2010

I’m not really good at expressing myself. This has become a problem because I’m pretty sure I need to, and have needed to for the last week or so (month? year? whatever).

I’ve tried but I just sort of words no can write talk good like.


You know what? I think I’ve made my point. Or maybe I haven’t. I don’t know.



Master Grade Super Saiyan Goku Kit

April 23, 2010

I know I haven’t posted in a while. Sorry.

I know there was another post I promised. Sorry.

But I have something else to blog about. A couple of weeks ago I bought possibly the best thing I have ever bought, and I got it today. That thing is this:

Dragon Ball Kai: 1/8 Scale Figure-Rise Super Saiyan Son Gokou Master Grade Model Kit

Dragon Ball Kai: 1/8 Scale Figure-Rise Super Saiyan Son Gokou Master Grade Model Kit

Now, you may not be able to tell what is so awesome about this (or it’s non-super saiyan brethren), but if you read that last bit ‘Master Grade Model Kit’ you should get the picture. This is essentially a Gundam model kit, except it isn’t a Gundam. Instead, it’s an incredibly poseable Super Saiyan Goku action figure.

Of course, as soon as I could I opened the box and started cutting up the sprues and assembling it. Then Esoteric suggested posting updates on my assembling progress.


Read the rest of this entry ?


Tales of Stuff

April 4, 2010

Earlier today, I tweeted that I wanted to try to get back into doing projects I’ve been working on for a while, in some cases years. I figure this is a good place to list all of those projects and give little descriptions of them. Might encourage me to actually do something. Might not. We’ll see. So here’s the list:

A project started by a strange word combination session I had with Esoteric, which is thus far a single post here on this blog and a few little plans and things. It’s the adventures of eskimo siblings Ina and Kimo, who I have just realised has a name kind of like ‘eskimo’, which I swear was unintended.

A story with another strange inspiration, this time a liking I took to the pants of enemies in FFVII, I began writing this for NaNoWriMo last November. Unfortunately my writing crashed and burned, but I still want to restart it. It’s a pirate story with machine guns pretty much.

Probably the biggest project I have, and one that’s been bouncing around in my head for a long time. It centres on the titular Cirque, which is a cover for a group trying to collect magical artefacts for safekeeping.

At the moment I’m considering this a comic, but we’ll see. A superhero comic without superpowers which follows the lives of a naive young hero and a police officer whose attempts to stop costumed killers leads to tragedy.

A comics parody (I guess) which is filled with fun stuff I thought up completely on my own. Okay some of it Safeer was involved with too, but at the time it had nothing to do with Block-Head and I just sort of included it.

There’s a few more, but these are probably the main ones I’m thinking about now, and some of the most fleshed out. For example, Cirque Ryoga’s end is pretty much planned out, and much of how to get there is also.

We’ll see where I take things from here. I’ll be sure to inform you of any progress, imaginary reader.


** Btw, it’s Easter, so happy chocolate holiday, again.**


Something Wrong

April 4, 2010

I’d been somewhat happy for the past few days, thanks mostly I think to some nice distractions. But for some reason today I have begun moping again.

I think I’ve done something wrong. Specifically, I mean. I’m not sure what, or when, but I feel as if I’ve fucked something up.

Hopefully by tomorrow I’ll either have gotten over it or found out what I’ve done so I can try to correct it, or more likely, pretend it didn’t happen and just let people hate me for it.


** Music tomorrow. Unless I suck. So not tomorrow I guess. **


Re: Personal Fork in the Road

April 1, 2010

Been wanting to Withdraw, but took a chance and opened up a bit.

I then proceeded to freak out and nearly have a panic attack/maybe have a panic attack.

Not really sure. I hope that wasn’t a panic attack. ANYWAY…

After that I think I started feeling a bit of relief I think. I’m still breathing a little awkwardly and my head’s spinning and I want to pass out, but I think what I’ve done is for the better. None of my friends commented on the really awkward stuff I talked about, which was good. It’s in the open, but not blindingly so.

So I’ll give this opening up thing a bit more time. Maybe it will work out okay.

Or I’ll suffocate myself. Not too fussed either way.
