

February 4, 2010

This isn’t the music update I mentioned I’d be doing, that’s still happening, just not now. Now I’m preoccupied.

Because a spontaneous trip to Empyrean Sky’s myspace (I’d normally just go to the official site) led to the discovery that they’ve put up new songs from Extending the Tangent.

Empyrean Sky songs that I haven’t heard?


Some of the tracks aren’t even finished yet, like missing keyboards or whatever. But I still love them. Especially For The Sun, but this will undoubtedly change, because their songs are all amazing.

Their previous album, The Snow White Rose of Paradise, is one of my favourite albums ever, if not the absolute favourite. They’re a progressive death metal act from Chicago who are really unknown considering the quality of their music. Please, PLEASE check them out at their myspace:


Although there’s a new sit in construction, here’s a link to their official site. There are some songs up for free download there.



** Seriously people. Listen to them. I will love you forever and ever. **


  1. Ha. Nice man. I happened to surf onto your blog here. I’m glad we could make your week. I guess this post lets me know I need to get things together!

    I’ve been working on the album a lot lately, and it will absolutely be done this year. Hopefully within the next couple of months.


  2. Wow thanks for the comment. I’m really looking forward to the new album and I’m trying to spread the word of your awesome music as much as I can.

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